Teaching children smart is as simple as the Japanese do
Tuesday, August 13th, 2019
Children in Japan are famous for their hard work, politeness,
ability to stick with their family, orderly, politeness and bold
self-confidence. That is the success of education. In Japan, parents
always have their own secret in teaching their children.
Focus on fairy tales
Like other parents, Japanese mothers often teach their children through telling them fairy tales.
Parents believe that the mythical world and its strange and impossible things are the material and
inspiration for the child's boundless creativity in the future. Let's take a look at everyday life and
we will see: in the story there are magic mats and in real life we have planes, in the story we just need
to wave our hands to open the door and in real life we have sensor doors,..
Do not capture, impose
In particular, Japanese parents rarely refer to children as "You are so lazy"
or "Why are you so stubborn", because they understand children's psychology.
"When you scold your kid for being a pig 10 times, they'll puff for the 11th time." When
using negative language and condemning them to teach children, children will be educated
in that negative way.
Praise your child's specific behavior
If you just praise "You are so good", it will turn him into pride. Not only complimenting
children, but Japanese parents often compliment the behavior that children have done such as
""You eat your food on your own really well"" or "Who can change clothes so well!". When children are
praised for a particular action, they will try to do it well the next time the parent is satisfied and
praised. Japanese parents are not afraid to praise their children, but they praise them very specifically.
Don't let your children watch TV
In addition to watching TV takes time and can make children addicted, Japanese parents are
very aware that if they show their children too early and too much, the structure
of the brain will be broken; from the television, the cathode currents generated
from a voltage of 20,000 volts are generated, which negatively affects the anterior
cerebral lobe (the part that creates the thinking power) of people. "Turn off the TV, turn on ideas" is
the oral maxim of Japanese parents.
Early literacy
According to Japanese studies, literacy can change the function, and lead to brain structure changes.
This phenomenon, the smaller the child the easier. Japanese parents thoroughly teach their children from
a very early age. And they understand that in order for a baby's language signaling system to work properly,
the closer he or she will learn to the time of birth, the more effective it is.
Patiently repeats
Unlike many people who may get frustrated when children often
ask the same thing over and over, Japanese parents are not afraid to
repeatedly explain to their children a problem. According to them, for the
child to master a thing, it takes at least 3 months. For example, when a child has
memorized the word “a i u e o”, it takes at least 3 months for the child to read them fluently.
Be physically active
Not only focusing on intellectual development, Japanese parents also attach great importance
to teaching their children to practice physical exercises. Right from the time the baby was born,
parents paid attention to education in all aspects of health, movement, morality, discipline, and affection.
For a 2-year-old child, parents let the child walk regularly every day and they divided the practice distance
into short 10m, 20m every day. In addition, the Japanese often let their children go to the park. Because the games
here will help improve health, are a way of comprehensive physical development for a child. "A clear intelligence in a
strong body", is the maxim "pocket" of most Japanese mothers and fathers.
Do not criticize their mistakes
Parents often have high expectations for their children, and sometimes too much expectations make them disappointed because
their children are not getting what they want. Criticizing your child's mistakes is a common problem in today's families. But
Japanese mothers think that everyone makes mistakes and criticizing the mistakes of others does not help them any better and of
course that criticism does not happen to their children.
Teach your children how to look up and explore
Japanese parents often guide their children to use dictionaries that are easy to look up from an early age. Children use
that dictionary to check the meaning of the word, or the correct way to write Chinese characters. For example, when we
know the address but are taken by someone to the car, we find it very difficult to remember the road. But if we use the map
by ourselves and ask for directions while walking, we will remember for a long time. Likewise, children will be more receptive
to knowledge if they find them by themselves and take the effort to look up than passively taught by their parents. Even for
Japanese children who are difficult to teach in a monotonous way, in this way they can also learn correctly without feeling bored.