7 "exclusive" foods for smart kids
Tuesday, August 13th, 2019
Want to develop a child's brain through food, don't forget these foods!
There have been hundreds of thousands of scientific studies to find a list of foods that help
increase intelligence for children. Parents from past to present always pay first attention to this issue.
Below, please tell mom 7 foods "power" number 1 in helping children smarter.
1. Fish oil (salmon oil, herring, tuna)
More than half the components of the young brain are lipids and up to 65% of them are fatty acids belonging
to the Omega 3 family. These fatty acids play an important role in brain cell development and development as well
as activities. of neurons. Fish oil, especially salmon oil, tuna or herring contains a lot of Omega 3 good for the young brain.
2. Dairy products (fresh milk, cheese, yogurt ...)
Scientists in the US and Australia measured the IQ of 972 children and came to the conclusion that babies who drank
milk and dairy products every day had better logic and memory scores than those who did not eat yogurt or cheese. regularly.
Fatty dairy products are especially beneficial because more than half of the baby's brain is fat. In addition, for the daily milk,
the mother also helps to supplement the baby with protein, calcium, vitamin D and magnesium.
3. Liver (chicken, beef, calf)
For the brain to function properly, the body needs to "spend" 25% of its oxygen and iron is essential to help bring oxygen to
the brain. Liver is one of the famous iron-rich foods. In addition, the liver is also rich in vitamin B. However, because it is the
largest detoxifying organ of animals, all harmful substances in the body are processed by the liver, so the liver also contains a lot
of toxins. factor. The mothers who buy liver are certain to choose the liver of healthy animals, not get sick, especially not take liver hematoma or unusual color. Before cooking, mothers must cook them thoroughly to remove toxins.
The usual way to get rid of the toxins in the liver: Soak in hot water or fresh milk about 3.4 times.
Before soaking, mothers can also use a knife on the liver to dissolve the poison faster.
4. Red meat (beef)
A 2011 study showed that women with a high iron ratio in the body will do better and faster brain
tasks. As well as explaining the liver, the mother should feed the child a lot of beef. Beef is also one of
the most easily digested infant meats. However, not all beef is equally rich. Beef is classified according to the
class of meat and the amount of fat in the meat. The more fat, the softer the meat.
Usually when choosing beef for children, mothers should choose lean meat. is about 80% lean and 20% fat. To
know where the beef is high in fat, you can see the color of the meat: light colored streaks and streaks like marble
will have more fat, darker meat becomes. low in fat.
The most fatty cuts of beef are: Beef Ribs, Beef Breast. The youngest part of beef is filethay or beef tenderloin.
This beef tenderloin is soft, without too much fat, suitable for baby food
5. Eggs
Eggs contain phospholipids and lecithin, two substances indispensable to building brain cell membranes. In addition,
when analyzing egg proteins, large amounts of amino acids were found, important in the production of weak neurotransmitters.
Children over 1 year old can eat whole eggs. Mother should pay attention to feed the baby no more than 3-4 / week.
6. Banana
Rich in magnesium and minerals essential for the transmission of nerve impulses, bananas are also a source of vitamin
B6 - substances that assimilate magnesium and help metabolize amino acids and functions of the child's nervous system.
Banana feeding is never redundant for children.
Avocado is a fatty fruit, however it is a monounsaturated fat that contributes to the maintenance of good blood flow
in the child's body. Good blood circulation will also lead to a healthy brain. In addition, with the huge amount of
vitamin E from avocados, it also helps to protect the fatty tissue in the brain. Mom should pay attention to feeding the
baby butter every week to have a healthy and intelligent brain.